Product Certification

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At Glocal Trades, the quality of production and the quality of the products which we offer is one of our top priorities. Considering the purpose of our brand, we intend to ensure quality and at the same time provide product tractability for most of our products, if not all.

International standards like Global Gap, ISO and HACCP are recognized standards dedicated to production, management, and health and safety regulations.

Fresh fruit and vegetables standard ensures a level playing field in terms of food safety and quality and proves that growers are prepared to constantly improve systems to raise standards.

Management system that identifies, evaluates, and controls hazards related to food safety throughout the food supply chain.


Takes a whole chain approach to food safety, providing a standard that isn’t just for food processors, but goes all the way from the farm to the fork including packaging and ingredient suppliers, caterers, storage & distribution facilities, chemical and machinery manufacturers and can be applied to primary producers such as farms.


At Glocal Trades, the implementation and certification of the products is ensured due to the EU market requests and is executed by international auditors combined with local experts.