Apparently we had reached a great height in the atmosphere, for the sky was a dead black, and the stars had ceased to twinkle. By the same illusion...
About us
Eat Clean. Eat Organic
Who we are
Undeniably, in today’s world, online digital presence has become the most sophisticated marketing tool for every company of every sector. Companies that aim to develop differentiation through customer experience, must understand the importance of modern marketing and use it for better meeting the ever-growing expectations of well-informed digital customers. At the present time, it has become a standard for customers to expect always-available information and on-time delivery of services. Only those companies that understand the true value of online digital marketing will be able to provide personalized products or services, building a meaningful relationship with their clients.
By using the extraordinary advantages of technology, our goal is to create an online digital presence for all the products that our farm offers. Besides presenting the agricultural products of our farm, through our web page, Glocal Trades aims to provide the marketing and distribution components of the modern agriculture. Our objective is that, through our web page, international food companies will be able to get meticulously informed about the high quality and the lower prices of our fruits and vegetables.
We understand the expectations of digital customers and the importance of meeting their expectations. With this in mind, we seek to bring the products of our farm in one online market, increasing the diversity of the products that we would offer to potential international partners, while easing these partners’ path to reaching the products they need. Through our web page, potential international partners can make orders, while our staff’s responsibility is to make all the logistical arrangements for providing on-time delivery of services.
Our Mission
We do not want to be just a company owning an interactive web page which sells the fruits and vegetables of our farm only. Our mission is to become the true ambassador of kosovan agricultural products outside the borders of our country. We want to create an online market (online bazar) which will bring the products from Kosovo and buyers from Europe and the world in one place.
Our Vision
Our vision is to become the main reference point which international food companies will refer to when interested in high quality and low price agricultural products.
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